United in Design is driven by a clear need to deliver an equal opportunity pathway for entry into the Interior Design industry for people from black, Asian, ethnic minority and socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds. 

In signing up to United in Design, we ask that our partners unlock doors and encourage others within the industry to share their wealth of expertise, time, advice and guidance with those who need it most.  Our school outreach programmes, internships, career guidance and mentorship are now established as proven methods to improve inclusion and diversity in Interior Design. And we are supported in this exciting endeavour by our partner Interior Educators.

Interior Educators was set up to advance education in the subjects of interior design, interior architecture and related disciplines and promotes excellence in the field. Through our relationship with Interior Educators we can reach young people at the start of their careers and help them to develop their skills, ideas, tools and access into work, as well as introducing them to different career options.

Depending on the size or nature of your business some of the following initiatives will be more possible than others. However, to become a fully accredited partner of United in Design, we ask that you commit to take on at least three of the seven actions listed below. Please see below each initiative for more information and contacts.

Join us by taking The Pledge today.

1. Actively Push For Diversity

By joining United in Design, you pledge as a business to endeavour to use your press and PR platforms to promote and support diversity in all that you do, whether that be panel discussions and talks to magazine articles and events.

2. Join The United In Design School Outreach Programme

School Outreach provides inspiration and advice to those potentially interested in a career in Interior Design, as well as those who might think the world of Interior Design is not open to them. Outreach could take many forms from offering webinars and talks in schools, career counselling sessions to 1:1 calls with young people. Outreach will be targeted at a mix of Secondary school, GCSE/A-Level/BTEC students.

3. Embed The Core Tenets Of Diversity Training Within Your Organisation

Develop key skills in coaching and leadership with a focus on becoming more mindful of inclusion issues and commit to review your recruitment processes and strategies.

4. Open Days & Work Experience

Welcome applicants aged 18+ into your place of work to offer either a 1 day Career Insight Day or Work Experience for a minimum of 1 week.

5. Provide Advice And Guidance Through Mentorship

We aim to offer mentoring to all ages of mentee in order to target a wide range of people — from those starting out in the industry to those returning to work after maternity leave, or wanting to change role. The expectation would be for you to meet with any mentee at least quarterly in person or by 1:1 video call.

At United in Design we feel that guiding someone based on your own personal or professional experience is an invaluable tool. Providing support by listening, giving advice or pointing someone in the right direction is what is required and those wanting to engage your help will be able to apply via the United in Design platform.

6. Provide Professional Insight Into The Practising World Of Design

Offer your experience and expertise to Art Schools, Design Colleges and Universities in order to actively promote a career in Interior Design and share what various roles might look like. Interior Educators have developed strong relationships with over fifty degree and MA courses at design schools and universities across the UK; United in Design will be working with Interior Educators to create inroads to the students and provide opportunities for our partners to offer insight to students.

7. Be A Part Of The Internship Scheme

Commit to offering an individual a minimum of a 3-month paid internship. The intention being for each successful applicant to split 1 year of continuous employment across four different companies. Salary to be above living wage. Applicants will be selected from a pool of diverse talent of Interior Design graduates.